
Thought of the Moment

Creationism is just two letters shy of cretin-ism, thank-you-very-much.

(I rilly oughtta be able to retire on that one, but, well, life just is not fair. - R.)

But Will the Fool Rush In?
    Be prepared for new experiences, RUNE. This day is aglow with your aura
    as a One. As you embark on your daily journey through life, you may
    encounter things you have never seen or experienced before. Once again
    your essence is at work! On a 1-Day such as this, your world will be
    inundated with new things to explore. Breathe deep and forge ahead, for
    where you choose to go others will follow. Just be sure you take the time
    to think first - don't rush in blindly.
Always good advice, that.

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