
A Prayer for Peace

I know you'll never forget where you were or what you were doing, when it happened, when things changed. For all of us.

Today, we remember the victims and their families, the survivors and the witnesses. Though we are all, today, witnesses, to some extent.

This is a prayer for peace.

At 8:46 am this morning, with the national anthem playing on my car stereo, I left a NYC subway token at the May 4th Memorial at Kent State University. I wonder what others are doing, what other small, quiet, personal acts of remembrance are taking place, around the country and around the world.

If you're reading this, and you have a minute, please post to the message board. We're interested in hearing how you've remembered that day.

God bless our nation, our principles and our way of life. May we never stop trying to do it in a better way, a way that is better for all nations, and all people.