
Still the best ever edition of Suck, in The Band's humble opinion.

Here's a random lyric for you, left on Your Chronicler's desk by The Band's lyricist. When asked for some explanation or interpretation, no matter how vague, all I could get was that it was just kinda one of those those spontaneous brain outputs. Came outta nowhere, nearly whole, somewhat like Cairo emerging fully-formed from the desert. Enjoy.

This Moment Present

My snail boat shell hat
worn loosely
catches wind dust
sunshine and


You there, so far
away and sweet,
do you know why
the infants cry at night?
and the dogs like me
bay at the moon?

I figure
it's something
in the air.

Crushed light and sand,
time compressed,
like rough density,
the inside of a brick that
(when halved) reveals
the other side
    of smooth.

And then, I (so foolish) wish
to pulse my thoughts to you
and run through a storm
and chase lightning
and catch rain in
my snail boat shell hat.

.......and where-oh-where have the archives gone.....??......hmmm.......

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