
Ever have one of those days in the office when even the people who really think they're on you're side don't do you a damned bit of good? And then, as if that's not enough to give you that warm, full feeling at the end of the day, you sort of crush your fingers between your desk and the arm of your office chair? Sure ya have. This is one of 'em. 'Nuff said.

On a brighter note, with a name like Bitch UK, how can you go wrong? These spirited hussies bill themselves thusly:

"this magazine is produced by women sick of the usual pappy diet of lurve, beauty and fashion, and pictures of skinny teenagers designed to sell us products we don't want. We also wish to avoid 'girl power' at all costs and have no desire to publish glammed up pics of ourselves at fashionable parties: but if you want to send us free tickets we may just condescend to come.."

TBH approves. [ Nota bene: B4 all you horny rednecks start sending them tickets to the Alabama reunion tour, we remind you to check your frequent flier miles accounts to see if you're up to the challenge, 'cuz they are hailing from the Mother Country. ]

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