
Hi. Well, I took some of these. While further experimentation is required before we may conclude that, sans sunshine, I am officially transmogrified into a Mood-Swinger, I am for the time being willing to claim a positive effect. I can say that this morning, instead of being more or less irritated with everything, I wish I didn't have a cold so I could go -- hold on to your seats -- ice skating! And I'd like to leave l'office early so I can pick up a couple last minute presents which I haven't thought of until today. In a Nutshell: energy definitely higher and irritability gone, mood slightly above baseline, prolly due to better energy levels, and have to wonder optimistically about how I'd feel today w/out the cold.

Celebrate with some festive photos.

Today's blogs worth visiting:
  • A fellow gatherer of the intellectually esoteric and the culturally unique, if not completely entirely significant, we bring you Joseph Gurl's Magnificent Melting Object (some adult content)
  • Intelligent personal and social musings and a clean, attractive layout from regular jo
  • Cool insights from a thoughtful and well-read neighbor up north -- get a taste of Canada's finest at Kiss My Lilly White Ass -- TBH loves that title!
  • Pamela Hichens generously shares the creative and personal at Virtual Pamela
  • Yet another interesting mind at Vignettes
  • Follow along with "Josi's top ten emotional states of 2000" with your hostess, girl in black
  • A confluence of private, personal and public in mollie elizabeth's darkly honest book of days

Words The Band Used to Struggle to Remember: incredulous, begrudge, marzipan

There are certain artists -- musicians, poets, writers, painters -- who are incredible and yet virtually unknown. Their lives were or are as rich as their work. Somehow, unless you stumble upon them or someone points you in their direction, you may never know about them, and that imho is a damned shame. To relatively small, tight groups of fans, these are the artists we can't live without, at least, not happily, the creators of the books and albums and cds that we'd grab before leaving the proverbial burning apartment or taking up residence on some desert island. They should be much more well-known than they are, and TBH would be remiss if we didn't introduce you, dear reader, to some of them. Some of you will already be familiar with these artists, and we're sure you'll be happy to see them mentioned here. For everyone else to whom these names are unknown, or their work unfamiliar -- dig in. While they aren't for the faint of heart or the close-minded, they can make you stronger -- after they first break your heart. If nothing else, they can change how you see.

From a lovely cyber-card sent by a kindred spirit:

light a candle
listen to the wind
draw a picture
eat some chocolate
open a book
look at the moon
smile at yourself
follow your dream

(Thank you!)

From TBH to all of you:

May these holidays bring you all the peace of the universe that you can hold,
and may the new year bring greater tolerance of each other's differences
and deeper understanding of our place in it all.

Talk to you soon.



Well. It seems that nothing exacerbates a case of chronic S.A.D. like a good old-fashioned cold, with a sudden onset. I mean, one minute I'm having lunch and the next I'm feeling 85% of my energy drain out of my pores, temperature high and variable, achey, congested -- you know the drill.

I don't know what's worse -- the cold itself, or people telling me I don't look happy, or people seeming to be annoyed with me because I have a cold. Annoyed as in impatient, like -- "oh, hurry up and get over it so we can be jolly again." The cold makes me unhappy, and people getting impatient with me makes me more unhappy. It's as if they think I just woke up in an otherwise fabulous mood, looked in the mirror and said, "Well now! How's'about I try to make everyone around me miserable today! Yeah! There's an idea!" Or, "Hey -- everyone seems to be in the holiday mood! -- now, what can I do to get in on it??.....hmmmm......I know! -- I'll get a cold so everyone can treat me like I'm some kind of party-pooper! Yippee!" 'Cuz -- oh boy -- does that ever sound like me. I'd be a liar if I didn't admit that I kinda resent it.

I realize my sarcasm doesn't help matters. (However, the folks at Suck have managed to make careers out of sarcasm. Go figure.)

It certainly doesn't bring me any closer to feeling better.

Don't know if this will help take your mind off your troubles or just direct it to other topics. Either way, TBH recommends Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do by Peter McWilliams. Enjoy.


With the exception of TBH's sound engineer, who is contrary by nature, stemming largely from unresolved mother issues, the band is in hearty agreement that William Jefferson Clinton, regardless of how you may judge his personal decisions, regardless of his character flaws -- perhaps in part because of those things -- WJC remains a fascinating character.

More good sources of news:

Some cool blogs:

That oughta keep you busy through lunch. Now, get outta here!
From the If I Thought of That, People Would Have Just Laughed at Me Department: Shameless Hucksterism Reaches New Heights! As you delve, you may find yourself wondering aloud with TBH about just how tough it sometimes is to sort out the simply brilliant from the purely arrogant. Either way, TBH is mucho-impressed! and non-plussed. Be sure to check out the Don't Throw Your Love Away link.

Now this:


    Creative, industrious, socially-conscious and environmentally friendly family with no current means to purchase own homestead seeks independently wealthy land owner seeking to will entire estate to people who will love it, live in it and care for it.

    Location: Preferably within a one hour's drive of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    Estate will include but not be limited to: All property plus all buildings and structures existing on property; all furnishings and contents of said buildings and structures; all deeds, titles and proofs of ownership. Estate will not include debt or surviving relatives with a predilection to contesting wills.
    In lieu of valuable property, consideration will also be given to benfactors seeking heir for large cash fortune.

    Interested parties should tarry not, but instead should write immediately. Serious inquiries only.
Today To Date: The best thing about today so far is that it's no longer yesterday. And that you can count on that pretty much being the case tomorrow, too. The morning in these parts was graced by a lovely covering of about an inch of pristine high-quality skiing snow, which, while wasted on the city, nonetheless looks nice. More to come, I'm sure.

blog*spot update: Sprained ISP backbone. Tech support is on the case, as always......~sigh~.....

Heard some high-tech minion on NPR this morning talking about computer virusses. This guy, who sounded like One of Those Mega-Dweebs, actually said that you should never leave a message on a usenet group, in order to protect your pc from virusses, because you have to leave your e-mail address when you post, and this apparently poses as much of a threat to the well-being of You and Your PC as would second-hand smoke. Can we assume that newsgroups are on the way out?

Well, the world should be so lucky. But, B4 you post your carpel tunnel wrist brace on e-Bay, take a breath, 'cuz this dauntless blogger doubts it. Nay, blog on, friends, because somehow I really don't think we need to worry. More likely, the speaker was a software company's sales rep, specializing in the firewall line of products. Perhaps we should give some thought to how we could go about preventing the media from broadcasting such paranoid little messages near and far. Have an idea?? -- send it to TBH. The band's as curious as The Monkey Named George to hear your proposed solutions.

While you're pondering that word problem, or perhaps to stimulate your creativity, visit Ding an sich (translation: "the thing itself"), part of self-described (and true) artist/ teacher/ citizen/ patriot/ web-worker Piotr Szyhalski's site, The Spleen, which resides at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design, where Szyhalski works and teaches. MCAD is a decidedly non-shy place that hails itself as "the most progressive art school in the World." TBH is prone to believe this claim, judging by this and other offerings on display in the school's Walker Art Gallery.

Billed by reviewer Kristine Malden as a "poetic but wittily disturbing exploration of propaganda," (I.D. Magazine, Webwatch Review, January/February 1997), The Spleen remains one of the most compelling multimedia presentations that This Veteran Webnaut has yet encountered. See it And Believe.

In the meantime, here's a taste, excerpted from the artist's description of his subject:

    Some authorities class this organ with the ductless glands and others class it with the lymph-nodes. It is situated directly beneath the diaphragm, behind and to the left of the stomach, and is covered by peritoneum from which folds extend to the diaphragm, stomach, and left kidney, and help to hold the organ in place.

    All attempts to show indispensable or important functions of the spleen have been unsuccessful. It may be removed from the body without serious injury to the animal. The most important facts known about the spleen are the slow expansion and contraction of the organ occurring during digestion. After a meal the spleen increases in size and reaches a maximum about the fifth hour of digestion. Then it slowly decreases to its former size.

    The significance of this is not known.

- ## -
Food for thought, eh?

Much to Our Chagrin: TBH has been notified that certain people have taken mild offense at its blog about Bitch UK, apparently triggered by Yours Truly's carefree use of the phrase "spirited hussies." No offense was intended. For future reference, no offense is ever intended, but, if you take offense, feel free to leave and never return! You'll always be welcome, either way.

Are you a shameless strumpet? A strutting harlot? Ever been described as a random wench? Have you descended from a long line of trollops? Send us your family history in 200 words or less, and we'll post it, if it's really amusing. If it's really really amusing, we'll even stretch the word-count limit.


Ever have one of those days in the office when even the people who really think they're on you're side don't do you a damned bit of good? And then, as if that's not enough to give you that warm, full feeling at the end of the day, you sort of crush your fingers between your desk and the arm of your office chair? Sure ya have. This is one of 'em. 'Nuff said.

On a brighter note, with a name like Bitch UK, how can you go wrong? These spirited hussies bill themselves thusly:

"this magazine is produced by women sick of the usual pappy diet of lurve, beauty and fashion, and pictures of skinny teenagers designed to sell us products we don't want. We also wish to avoid 'girl power' at all costs and have no desire to publish glammed up pics of ourselves at fashionable parties: but if you want to send us free tickets we may just condescend to come.."

TBH approves. [ Nota bene: B4 all you horny rednecks start sending them tickets to the Alabama reunion tour, we remind you to check your frequent flier miles accounts to see if you're up to the challenge, 'cuz they are hailing from the Mother Country. ]
Ok, all you activists, idealists and elitist snobs -- you've survived a long and painful campaign, and The Longest Election Night Ever. Now you awaken and find yourself crowned with the mantle of the presidency, as in "POTUS is You." A fair question: You're going to DC for the first time since you've been named the President-elect. What's the first thing you're going to do when you get there? Drop in on that Merry Band of Nerds at The Brookings Institution? Buzz Mayor Barry for lunch? Visit The Wall? or the Holocaust Museum? Maybe pay your respects to Tip O'Neill? Let's help narrow down those choices for you, shall we? --

    Bill W. Clinton
    Al W. Gore
    Alan W. Greenspan
    Newt Gingrich

Try telling TBH it isn't all about the money. C'mon. Tell us.


Speaking of Which: There Once was a City, which had A Ballpark of Its Own, until One Mayor Decided that it was Time to Build a New One. So, he asked The People of City what they thought, and they said they didn't want to shoulder the additional tax burdens of replacing a perfectly good albeit outdated stadium with two new ones. So he decided to build them anyway. But -- all is not lost -- get in on the ground floor of this! Who says there isn't poetic justice?!?!

Incidentally, these guys can generally be counted on for steady commentary. And, if that is pleasing to your taste, then set aside some time to delve into this. It doesn't get much better than Hearing How it All Was from Those Who Were There.


Changed colors (again!) and html-ized some text. Looks better, huh?

Oh, and, yes, Virginia, there is a president.......~sigh~.......which makes the following seem somehow appropriate:

From the Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About How it Might Feel to Have Your Head Chopped Off But Were Afraid to Ask Department, we bring you this. Enjoy!


The following is re-posted for the benefit of Everyone Who Missed It -- why? -- because if the networks can rebroadcast the absolute tripe that they pass off as entertainment, I certainly won't be left out.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A brain-teaser for you: Are there any truths that aren't by definition self-evident? Or does it depend on your definition of "truth"? or your interpretation of the phrase "self-evident"? or my definition? Who's definition are we supposed to use??!??!?!!!?!

While the jury remains out on this one, nonetheless, the original remains a darn good sounding line, even if it turns out to mean nothing, which happens fairly regularly. (It could possibly act as the standard, against which modern-day highbrow nonsense -- such as the US Supreme Court's recent opinion that the ultimate "loser" in this year's General Election is not Al Gore, as you might believe, nor the Individual Voter, as you might guess, or the American People, as you might further surmise -- no, the real loser, writes one of the Associate Justices, is the confidence that the American People have in the judges' (judge's -- ??) role(s) as impartial and fair interpreters of The Law. But, we digress. - Editor)

Perhaps a much better question (if not merely more pertinent) than the one above would be who is E.A. Blog, and what role does he play in the formation, evolution and untimely {*~gasp!~*} disintegration of TBH??

This is a much better question for many reasons (one of many such better questions, of which there are bunches). It's better because it's more directly related to this forum, for starters. Better because it's got a character in it, hence a protagonist which/who hence requires action -- hence making it more interesting. (See: conceit). Because, smart-tart, your host is convinced that it's already become painfully obvious to you that E.A. Blog is most decidedly not to be confused with Edgar Allan Poe, as one of the links below might lead someone of lesser wisdom but (perhaps) greater hoighty-toity-ness to conclude, a deduction which, had it been made, if not fatal, would surely prove to be at least faulty.

And so, the question is revived: If not Poe, then who, cutie-tooty? Hmmmmmmmmmm????....

Here's a site for you -- The Moonlit Road -- billed as "Ghost stories haunt the moonlit backroads of the American South."

E.A. Blog would be proud.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Since last posting, dear reader, I realized that there are, perhaps, many dear readers who may be unfamiliar with the source of the above translated ditty, leading me to wonder if we should further elaborate on the origins of said excerpt, or whether we should launch a contest to see if anyone knows where it came from -- aside from some dusty shelf in my memory banks...

{ It goes w/out saying here, that this leads us easily into a discussion of the tragic love affair between E.A. Blog and his second cousin, Ellen Agar Blog, whom he married when she was 14, though it remains a bone of contention among those scholars inclined to pick the bones of red herrings (dead red herrings, no less) as to whether Blog was -- by making of his 2nd cousin his 1st wife -- capable of likewise making an honest woman of her, in the not-quite vernacular of the day. }

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Back before the Northeastern winter and the traditional holiday season kicked into full gear, I had the liberty one early November evening to just chill and watch some mainstream (read: network -- ack!) special on the Beatles, in honor of their Anthology. Being a network thing, I was fairly sure that it wouldn't be terribly stimulating -- "Four young men from Liverpool.....who started a revolution........that changed the world......forever".....blog, blog, blog........ But, reservations aside, ladies and gentlemen -- Nevermind the Bollocks -- It's the Beatles!!

Incidentally, 30 years ago today (this entry having been originally posted on the evening of November 11, 2000), Elton John and his then travelling minstrel companions, Nigel Olson and Dee Murray -- who would become, respectively, his long-time drummer and bassist and the core of his touring and recording band for the next 2 decades -- thirty years ago tonight (maybe a tad later than this post, EST) played their first live American gig at the Troubador Lounge in NYC, where they recorded the seminal classic, 11-17-70. It should come as no surprise to you, then, dear reader, that TBH claims a great deal of influence from Reginald Kenneth Dwight, Bernie Taupin and the boys (the full band always consisted of Nigel, Dee, guitarist Davey Johnstone and percussionist Ray Cooper) through the years. Maybe not as heavily influenced as modern-day rrrrriot girrrrrrl and fellow ivory-tickler Tori Amos -- pieces of whose debut album Little Earthquakes sound at times like they may have been sampled whole (of course they weren't, and this is a bit of an exaggeration, to put it lightly) from the string accompaniments that underly the more overt pop stylings of EJ's early LPs, particularly Madman Across the Water. Look it up, give it a spin, tell us we're wrong -- we're not, and we know it. (While you're at it, cuz, after you listen to some of the old stuff, try to find something current, and see if you're not awed by how much a voice can change over time. From that clear, sweet almost high tenor of the early days to something more bluesy and definitely, well, worn, like your favorite pair of western boots, at least five years broken in on beaches, desert sands, the rocks by a rushing river and the thankless asphalt of the hot city streets.)

We are nothing if not a collection of the memories carried in our boots.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A Fable: In the kitchen, you crack open a new box of Bigelow Mint Medley tea -- has one of those little tear-off strips on it, a la you-know-what-I-mean. The tear-off strip rips when you first pull it, so you hafta scrape it off with your fingernail. Then you can open the box. Inside you find a collection of individually packaged tea bags. You remove one, and tear the top off to free its contents for your use. Tearing the top off takes with it the string tag, finally leaving you only the bag. While that's all you really wanted in the first place, it's still not at all the way the packaging is supposed to "work." It's annoying.

The Moral: Stick to Celestial Seasonings Mint Magic. The package art is more whimsical, and the designers have steered clear of all such package overkill.

(BTW -- the Beatles special was fun -- watched it with my 10-yr-old son (who is as yet completely unaware of his father's dirty little blog habit). Certainly was more interesting than Law and Order SVU.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Now, what's that I hear??

"What about TBH?!?!?" you whine (somewhat impatiently, I might add). Ok, ok, okokokokoka-a-a-a-a-a-y !!!

Where to begin??

Who is this "Trudy" anyway??

And so it begins. TBH was a band name conceived on a sunny late spring afternoon, inspired by an anonymous elderly blue-hair who wandered into the Squirrel Hill Eat 'n Park Restaurant in Pittsburgh, PA wearing a hat which -- depending on your taste in head-gear -- could be described in many ways. For instance, upon sighting aforementioned Trudy, you might exclaim:

(a) "What a bizarre hat."
(b) "My, what a fetching hat."
(c) "Is it me, or is that woman wearing a funeral arrangement on her head?"
(d) " Wow. That's some bitchin' hat."
(e) "Omigod! -- like, is that Trudy?"

To play in our sandbox and to earn your permanent, unrestricted, full-access, free of charge playground pass (well, free for now, anyway, though if I sense that this is turning into some means of attaining shameless wealth, you, dear reader, will be one of the first to know, but for now relax and enjoy the wallpaper), you need only guess correctly the style that graced Trudy's head on this afternoon lo not-so-long ago, but long enough.

Happy guessing -- and good luck!!

But, back to me, your humble host. Since we haven't had a crash here for more than three minutes, let's take this opportunity to capitalize the moment, lay a few ground rules, as it were, set a few parameters, make a general PSA. Lest this relationship go too far, too fast, we best get a couple of things straight, right now, from the virtual get-go, as it were:

  1. Please don't write and say, "I don't like the dots, Mr. Rune."
    Get used to 'em, my friend, 'cuz I do. Actually, they're called ellipses.

  2. If you write, please don't call me "Mr. Rune."
    Mr. Rune was my father, sadly departed now for nigh a decade. I'm just Rune. Please don't ask what it means. I'll even give you the answer ahead of time: It's just a nickname, which I've used for many years now, and which has become as familiar to me as a well-worn barn jacket. It is not meant to convey mystery or other-worldliness, though if you project and said properties onto the handle, it won't be held against you. It could just as easily be anything else, but I chose this one, truth be told, if you insist, because it's easy to type, it's easy to remember, and I like how it sounds, ok?

  3. Another no-no -- don't ask either if I'm Scandinavian. I'm not. Nor am I Egyptian (believe it or not, I've been asked that question). All rumors to the contrary are no more (and no less, certainly) than the mistaken, misguided and misdirected fumings of mischievous misfits and miscreants. Such claims originate at some dahntahn Pittsburgh branch of some fast-food joint, and are as greasy and lacking in substance as is the traditional standard fare found on the large, backlit, plastic hanging overhead menus therein.

Disclaimer: TBH Virtual Fansite and its Management in no way wish to discourage Egyptians or Scandinavians from visiting the TBH Virtual Fansite. Egyptians, Scandinavians and, indeed, everyone else is now, has always been, and always will be welcome, regardless of age, gender, race, creed, sexual or political persuasion. Racists and fascists, while not necessarily welcome, will not be turned away, but they should expect to be ignored. Welcome! Nor does The Management wish to in any way encourage bad feelings toward Egyptians, Scandinavians or anyone else. If anything, we encourage only the best feelings in everyone. However, we do wish to avoid the creation among avid readers, casual visitors and rabid fans of confusing impressions of the narrator's persona. Because it has happened before.
Thank you -- The Management.

Those are the Rules of Engagement. For my part, I promise to do my best to entertain you, maybe share an opinion or two (thousand), and perhaps even provide you with a window on some interesting areas of Life on This Planet of Ours.

Lest you thought it was safe again to listen, there is this -- from the all-powerful everpresent glowing Orb:

"Are these messages heaven-sent? -- or just empty psychic promises?"

Now, something like that just friggin' S-C-R-E-A-M-S!! to be translated. That said, here goes, Liberty Valence:

"Are these messages heaven-sent? -- or just empty psychic promises?"

Are empty promises the heaven-sent messages of a psychic?
Are these messages from heaven or a spent psychic?
You spent how much on empty promises from a psychic?
Are you taking notes, or is this what you call a long walk?
Did heaven send these empties from the Annual Psychic Hotline X-Mas Party?

It goes on and on . . .

But that's enough for today, eh? After all, we're coming up on a big holiday. The mind must be at peace.

Tech Tip: Word to the fellow (un)wise(acres): If you get too fancy with your parenthetical dynamics in the blogger post editor, don't be surprised to find yerself slammed like a finger in a door. IOW, that there bracket you just oh-so-cleverly dropped into the editing window just might transmogrify itself into the Great Big Lag Monster from the Black Lagoon as soon as you hit the "post" button.

Be Ware!!!!!!!!!
Fungus amongus,

    Flash: While it certainly sounds like we've wrapped up this election, we apparently still haven't wrapped up this election, although it certainly sounds like we have.

Hi. RT's been beezy, hence the lack of activity here. Spun in long enough yesterday to change the colours and the font size, because the band kept whining about how neither was up to bitchin' standards. And I fixed a typo somewhere down below (we don't make spelling mistakes, mind you, though we have been known to make typos with Religious Abandon) that I somehow missed before. And I was able, in my short time here, to totally lose a somewhat lengthy and extremely amusing post, courtesy of the Anti-DemiBlogs, or whoever -- either way, *major* pita (that would be "pain in the ass," though I'm sure I don't need to explain that, given how downright unfashionable it has become to be acronymically-challenged).

So, meet the new look. I can't stay because I gotta go to This Year's VBRALAF Office Holiday Party (substitute "Voluntary-but-Required-Attendance Lame-Assed Fucking" for the preceding acronym -- and, no, you don't lose any points for not knowing that one -- Editor). Lame-assed because it's scheduled for a Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 to 5 pm -- not to mention that any so-called party where bullshit office protocol dictates that you are required to attend is more work than party, thank you. Tough to beat that for lameness. It will, however, provide me with an excuse to get out of this office, which right now is situated such that I can clearly overhear some youngster out on the street screaming his little lungs out.

Kids, it occurs to moi, are often terribly unhappy.

Bye for now -- and, please, remember -- while TBH and its management take what they believe to be no less than a progressive attitude towards gratuitous profanity, the line is clearly drawn at public displays of fascism.


Oh, I'm sleepy today.

Why am I sleepy?? Because I stayed up last night to see Madonna on Letterman, that's why.

Sad, it was, but I'm sorta glad that I saw it, because it helped me better understand why we can't wrap up this election.

It is because, simply, the world has gone to hell in a hand-basket, yup. What have we come to when Madonna on Dave Letterman is boring?

It's very, very discouraging, it is.

As if that isn't enough -- I just got a call from the band's attorney, who I don't know but whom informs me that, while TBH (heretofore to be known as "The Band") has no "beef" with The Content Herein, they nonetheless "hate" me because they don't like "cookie-cutter design elements," (oooh -- impressive!) and they feel that this template falls under that category. (Lest you think I am The Complete Wimp, I did manage to get the following question into the phone conversation: "For this, they pay you? I hope it's not much. And, for the record, with regard to that cookie-cutter comment -- it is the holiday season. So git yer head outta yer ass.")

So, I need a newer, hipper, better design. So I am off to lick my wounds and begin The Healing Process. In the meantime, feel free to send your suggestions and free offerings. Until then, peaceOUT.
I read this on the way to work off a scrolling marquee -- touted as the "Poem of the Week" -- apologies to the author, whose name I forget:


"Threads of silence
crack: pen stabs paper
This is the ritual
of therapy."

In deference to full disclosure, neither I nor any members of TBH knows what this means, though we shouldn't be surprised if the words wind up in a lyric somewhere......