Your Humble Chronicler was outside looking at the heavens. A pretty clear night here, and with the temp at about 36F, and almost no wind, it was a good night for looking. I know nothing about constellations -- I look, and I end up seeing things like question marks and patterns. Always interesting, though. Anyway, it reminded me of a dream I had last night.
The Dream: I'm hanging out, over at some friend's place. I'm with Ms. Fiance Muse, and two of our closest friends. We're hanging out on a balcony back porch, way high up on what appears to be some kind of small mountain. Anyway, we're hanging on this porch, and I'm experiencing a little bit of vertigo, because we're so high up, and the porch balcony isn't that big, and it's just got a wooden railing, so I'm kind of sitting with my back against the wall of the apartment building, kind of "hugging on." I get up to go to the bathroom, and Ms. Muse follows me. She would like to go, but is afraid to say anything, for some reason, and I say something like, don't be silly -- if you're ready to go, you can just say something -- I'm ok staying, but we dont have to. So we go back out on the porch, sit down again, and I just have an uneasy feeling. Then, before you know it, the whole balcony starts to kind of detach from the wall, but we're still somehow supported by some structural beams beneath us. We're firghtened, but we hang on as the balcony kind of twists and pitches forward and to the right, and basically does a slowly accelerated crash to the ground. Everyone is kind of dumped on the ground, but we aren't hurt, just shaken by the fall. I land on my feet, I think. Our biggest concern is one of our friends, who in the dream is pregnant. We're worried that something might be wrong with the baby. Nothing is resolved, and I wake up not freaked out, but in a cold sweat.
The interpretation: Well, I tried a corny online thing, but it just didn't cut it. Here's what I'm thinking. The balcony setting possibly represents recent positive accomplishments -- a sense of being on top of things. The anxiety is perhaps a fear of losing what we've achieved, which has happened to me before. The fall represents the nature of the fear -- falling from a place of status. Being with good friends may be a reminder of the good people in my life, who will stick by me regardless of what's going on. Surviving the balcony's crash may represent a sense that everything will work out in the end, whatever happens. My sister's pregnant, and was due today, actually, so the pregnant friend may represent my sister.
That's the best I can come up with. Nothing earth-shattering here, but I so rarely remember anything I dream about, and -- when I do -- generally it completely evaporates from memory unless I immediately write it down, unlike this one.
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