
Wow. Long-time, no post. Good to see you again. Really.

But -- you gotta hear this -- imagine The Band's...well, is it.....Surprise?......or Chagrin??....?.....let's listen in, alright?..........

(First, let's see that we do this right. There are rules, it appears.......~sigh~...)

    The minimum size of the Webmonkey logo is 50 by 57 pixels. The
    maximum size is 260 by 293. Sure, you can go ahead and push
    the envelope with the sizing, but only if you're willing to fly in
    the face of three years of design research and over $1 million in
    government-subsidized grants.

    Do not use the Webmonkey logo together with the hex-nut
    logotype (see top of this page). Are you totally insane? Pick one
    or the other.

    If you're affixing the logo to an Adults Only site, please refrain from using it to cover the genitalia of nude models.

    Like uranium or cute little kitties, the Webmonkey logo should be
    treated with extreme care and respect.
The above is copied with due respect to its Creator(s), whom you may find right here -- go see them for the real thing! We've never claimed in these pages that our technical design skills are anything but rudimentary.....rather, we attempt to overwhelm your sensory intake systems to thereby confuse the otherwise critical reader's finely-honed critical faculties into perceiving, if not actually believing, that we actually know what we are doing.....