
While You Were Sleeping.....Gone.....Sucking?

It occurs to us that a little background is in order. This whole blog thing really began with Suck, launched roughly five lo years ago by self-styled web pundits Joey Anuff and Carl Steadman. Suck was, and, in The Band's opinion, remains the blog archetype. Today, you can find Joey working on Plastic, and you can check on Carl's day at his freedonia! site. (Your Chronicler will contend that Carl is no less than a frustrated modern-day Situationist. Really -- go see Carl's Kid A In Alphabet Land -- kind of détournement meets The Elfabet: An ABC of Elves, (1990). Check out Carl's work, and then take a peek at some Situationist images. Neato, eh? (See also Guy Debord and the Lettrists -- which, come to think of it, wouldn't make a half-bad name for the punk-zydeco-rockabilly-swing band comprised of TBH's half cousins.) If you hunger for yet more, read Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century (9/90), by Greil Marcus.)

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch. . .

No, it's not another George Dubya story (your relieved sighs are audible, btw). Instead, some simple questions:

1) Are you in a cult? Find out!

2) What is IT?? (Also, read Netslaves author Steve Gilliard's commentary on The Flying Scooter)

3) Feeling conspiratorial? Plan your next world takeover, or just hang out with the beautiful people.

Tell 'em The Band sentcha. Yee-ha.

We leave you with this line from Lipstick Traces (p. 80):

    The shock of punk is no longer in its thuggery, misogyny, racism, homophobia, its yearning for final solutions to questions it barely asked, in negation's empowerment of every fraud and swindle.

[ The Band suggests that you wash that down with some Flaming Lips. Of particular interest may be Zaireeka (1997), a 4-CD set designed to be -- get this -- played simultaneously! - Ed. ]

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