
The Incredible Lightness of Posting

Apologies for that -- perhaps the prior two posts were overly ambitious, or perhaps the...whatever....I'll spare you the excuses.....just haven't been able to get 'em up lately. Had hoped in these pages of late to have launched a new feature -- RTI -- on the surface, an acronym for Real Time Interruption, itself a bit of web-speak, generally used to refer to times when cyber activities must suddenly cease, due to some encroachment by the so-called real world. For instance, you're happily blogging away, on a Veritable Run of Undeniable Brilliance -- and your boss pops in, unannounced, per usual, and you have to Cease & Desist. In these pages, however, RTI will appear to set off some real world-based rant or essay, which we hope our Dear Readers will enjoy.

Today's RTI: Liberation is Only Skin Deep

[The first one of these is meant to be here, but we haven't gotten around to it yet. Bear with us. - Mr. Ed.]

On the Town

The Muse and I had the opportunity to see Martin Sexton live at Rosebud, hosted by our friends at WYEP. We'd describe him as kind of Jeff Buckley-meets-John Gorka-meets-Chris Whitley -- but he's actually totally original. Llots of acoustic jamming, with strong blues and jazz influences. Really amazing vocal range and ability -- sounded at times like a violin, a horn, a sax, a tenor, a baritone. Good show, nice crowd -- the first set kinda dragged, imo, but after a short break, Sexton returned and had the joint really jumpin'. Nothin' like live music.

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