

Dropped off the dry cleaning on my way in this morning, and sat at a light behind a light pick-up whose back window featured the following stickers:
  • Vote Bush / Cheney
  • NRA
  • All things are possible under God
  • Bring the Integrity Back to the Whitehouse
    Oi vay. I s'pose PBS's 5-part series on The Secret Life of the Brain will get pre-empted by the state of the union address.

    Like, is anyone else out there surprised that we haven't yet seen a new piece on how the former Clinton administration would have handled this whole terrorism situation? Or how Al Gore would have handled it, had he been elected?


    The Band just learned that Your Humble Chronicler is worth "exactly $2,115,470.00." Yes, it really says "exactly," and, no -- we don't have any idea how they calculated that.


    Just sent Ev. the $35 annual fee for Blogger Pro. The Band figures it's worth it, even if it takes us awhile to make widescale improvements around here. Besides, this here Bitchin' Hats site is pushing two years -- same blog-channel, same blog-place -- and we'd hate to lose it. (How long have you been blogging??...)

    Plus we're just darned fond of Blogger. And it'll match our t-shirt.
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