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Merriam-Webster says:
Main Entry: 1. sep·a·rate
Pronunciation: 'se-p(&-)"rAt
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -rat·ed; -rat·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin separatus, past participle of separare, from se- apart + parare to prepare, procure -- more at SECEDE, PARE
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 a : to set or keep apart : DISCONNECT, SEVER b : to make a distinction between : DISCRIMINATE, DISTINGUISH <separate religion from magic> c : SORT <separate mail> d : to disperse in space or time : SCATTER
2 archaic : to set aside for a special purpose : CHOOSE, DEDICATE
3 : to part by a legal separation : a : to sever conjugal ties with b : to sever contractual relations with : DISCHARGE
4 : to block off : SEGREGATE
5 a : to isolate from a mixture : EXTRACT <separate cream from milk> b : to divide into constituent parts
6 : to dislocate (as a shoulder) especially in sports
intransitive senses
1 : to become divided or detached
2 a : to sever an association : WITHDRAW b : to cease to live together as a married couple
3 : to go in different directions
4 : to become isolated from a mixture
synonyms SEPARATE, PART, DIVIDE, SEVER, SUNDER, DIVORCE mean to become or cause to become disunited or disjointed. SEPARATE may imply any of several causes such as dispersion, removal of one from others, or presence of an intervening thing <separated her personal life from her career>. PART implies the separating of things or persons in close union or association
Main Entry: 2. sep·a·rate
Pronunciation: 'se-p(&-)r&t
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century
1 a : set or kept apart : DETACHED b archaic : SOLITARY, SECLUDED c : IMMATERIAL, DISEMBODIED
2 a : not shared with another : INDIVIDUAL <separate rooms> b often capitalized : estranged from a parent body <separate churches>
3 a : existing by itself : AUTONOMOUS b : dissimilar in nature or identity
synonym see DISTINCT
- sep·a·rate·ly /-p(&-)r&t-lE, 'se-p&rt-lE/ adverb
- sep·a·rate·ness /-n&s/ noun
How do you interpret it? When you say "separate," does it come out naturally as a verb, or as an adjective?
sorted, scattered
lives separate (v), lives separate (adj)
separate (v) lives, but love
how it exists separately, separate (v) from
life, my own, ours, what's yours is/was/shall be/shall never be
mine, ours
isolated from a mixture
driving to work, your scent in my blood
a flock of geese flies to somewhere
if they're smart, they'll keep flying
never touch down, never stop
bridges, bridges to cross
the other side, we must
go, but hate it, knowing/not knowing
what we want to be, what we think we see
on the other side
transitive senses
the other side
how can the other side not be connected to this one?
there is a bridge, there was a bridge
it has not fallen
like my heart
it has not fallen apart
it has not separated
does life separate?
don't be like me, a stupid goose
never touch down, stupid geese
keep flying
fly over the bridge
and beneath you i will cross
beneath you, my love,
the wood of my bridges, of my cross
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