
For purposes of Historical (if not hysterical) Accuracy, we here provide you, free of charge, with The First Blog Ever Posted:

Saturday, November 11, 2000

[ A~sigh~d: Ya see, this was posted at another site, and it worked just fine, right up until it decided to not work fine anymore, nay, instead to not work at all. ATOLL. Period. So, now it's here, and so are you. -- Editor ]

Alrighty, then -- this apparently works -- consider this nerdish self-confirmation to be nerdishly self-confirmed. So, while it didn't work yesterday, neither did I, not much, anyway....... Now -- to determine how to best utilize this decidedly neato app w/out that familiar peculiar creeping suspicion that we're merely posting to our-own-bloggish-self, which my inner blogger somewhat instinctively fears would be decidedly un-blog-worthy, though I don't claim to understand why I feel that way, or why I seem to think that I even have an inner blogger, for that matter.

One more thing b-4 we sing:
"goodnight/sleep tight/and pleasant dreams to you/
adios/au revoir/may all your dreams come true" --

" Thus sayeth the Bloggen --
Bloggermore! "
- Edgar Allan Blog

[ A brief and decidedly contemperaneous modern-day translation of the above and foregone ditty, most suited to those omnipresent fans of nonsensical and (potentially) deciduous gibberish:
"Blog-nite/blog tight/and pleasant blogs to U/ad(cheer)ios/(t)au r-evo(l)-ir(ae)/may all yer blogs post true" ]

Blogging out for now. Blog-speed, bloggers.

~ *poof!* ~

And so it begins.

And so it began.

Are these messages heaven sent?

Or just empty psychic promises?!

A good question. Nonetheless, I'd venture to guess that you've arrived here in search of the virtual fansite for the seminal virtual alternative band known to its legion of underground fans as Trudy's Bitchin Hats, or TBH to friends and family.

Congratulations. You've found it.

Trudy's Bitchin' Hats is the World's Greatest Band.

And this is their site.


I am your host, Rune.


Anonymous said...

Life is so short.

Anonymous said...

Your son was 10, my daughter was 7.

time does fly.

You're interesting, I like the way you write and wish you were still around. I'm following this blog even though my page insists I am not. I AM. :)