

Had the opportunity to see Archibishop Desmond M. Tutu give a somewhat impromptu lecture -- covered everything from why terrorism will never end until all people have access to safe and reliable housing, to effective medical care, to quality education. "Human beings were created to be free," said Tutu. Amazing human. Found it incredible to find myself in such close physical proximity to this true leader.


CNN.com - Catholic paper: Is priestly celibacy tied to sex abuse? - March 15, 2002
The Ides of March

Beware, beware, beware, the ides of March. The ides have it, they do.

So, like, beware.

Separately, it's that time of year again -- time for the ever-popular, terribly twisted Peeps page.

Hmm. Yes. Not for the squeamish.


Today's White-Trash Quote, Overheard While Lunching

"You should avoid difficult and vexatious people. For they are a vexation to the spirit." (This said by a middle-aged manual labor-type to his partner? niece? cousin? -- hard to tell -- white-trash, remember??)

Yep -- really said it just that way. Two sentences, with the biblical phrasing. Fortunately, nothing was said about vivacious or voluptuous people, though. So, it's all good. Whew.


Separated at Birth?

So, where was Franziska this year? Ya gotta wonder if she's not Catriona's distant cousin.

Again: Franziska, Catriona. Catriona, Franziska.


Once, long ago...

I was there, prolly in the late '70's, I guess. I'd taken a bus to NYC with a high school buddy. We made it to the roof. Seems even longer ago now. It is still all so very sad.

Here, in happier times.